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Fighting the flu like a champ!

It’s been said that we have two seasons in Canada: Summer and Flu Season. As stable, robust Canadians well adjusted to the seemingly eight months of flu-season, we at Madhouse thought we’d share a few home remedies for fighting the flu!


1.) Fight off the flu and vampires with… GARLIC

Garlic is an incredible natural antibiotic, anti-fungal and antibacterial that can take on almost any illness.  There are many ways it can be taken but the most affective was is to finely mince 1-2 cloves of garlic and add them to a glass of water. Quickly drink the entire glass. If you’re sick enough you won’t even notice the taste. The garlic must be raw to take advantage of its healing properties. If you really can’t stomach the taste of raw garlic, we’d also recommend consuming the garlic with a teaspoon of honey. The honey will mask the taste a bit, help soothe a sore throat and has natural antibaterial qualities of its own.

2.) Drink something hot - tea, lemon and ginger, toddy…

Hot beverages are pretty much a give-in when you’re not feeling well. Choose a favourite tea to soothe a scratchy throat. Chamomile is good if you’re suffering from an upset stomach or fever. Make your own “Hot-lemon-relief” by adding lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey and fresh ginger to a boiling mug of water. One recommended “family secret” is a “hot toddy” - add a shot of whiskey to your mug of tea to kick your immune system into high gear! Peppermint and of all things, catnip, also make for great cold fighting teas.

3.) Cinnamon - more than just an internet sensation

We’ve all seen those cinnamon challenges on Youtube, but cinnamon is actually a really great antiviral and antibiotic. Mix a tablespoon with one teaspoon of honey into boiling water for a spicy and effective beverage that will help relieve coughs, congestion and reduce fevers. FYI, cinnamon is also a natural blood sugar stabilizer.

4.) Steam baths: for nasal passages and a clearer complexion!

For those of you that don’t have access to a steam room or sauna, we’ve got some great alternatives. In a large sauce pan boil two-three cups of water. Remove the pot from the heat source and add a pinch of thyme, rosemary and oregano and cover for 10 minutes. Remove the lid and place your face directly over the pot with a towel over your head to keep in the heat. Breath this in for 10-15 minutes to loosen congestion and kill whatever viruses are plaguing your lungs, bronchials and sinuses. The same can be done with the fresh lemons and ginger that were recommended as a hot beverage. Skip the honey.

5.) A,B,C,D,E and Zinc…

Are you taking vitamins? No, seriously, are you? Well you should be! A healthy vitamin regime is very important when flu season hits. We recommend a combination of acidophilus, vitamin B, echinacea and zinc. With the reduced levels of daylight that we experience in the winter, we’d also suggest upping your intake of vitamin C and D. D gives you the same nutrients that you would typically get from the sun.

That’s it. Five simple NATURAL steps to fighting the flu. If you support the flu shots, by all means, go for it. Sometimes, when you’ve got a really bad cold, only Vicks Vap-o-rub, Buckleys and popping cough drops like M&Ms will do. Whatever you need to take care of yourself, do it because, no one wants to waste those precious vacation days to nurse a cold. Try to cut back on your social engagements and alcohol consumption as well. Staying well hydrated and well rested is the best chance you’ve got at fighting whatever viruses are being passed along on your crowded subway/bus ride to work!

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